Sense To Webpage supports webpage editing without technical knowledge of HTML, PHP and JavaScript by extracting content to Sense, Silva Elm's structured document editor, when straightforward plain text modification is all that is needed.
Sense To Webpage provides the potential for substantial cost and time savings as an alternative to expensive webpage-authoring tools and reliance on third-party web-designer services.
Webpages are built by Sense To Webpage with XHTML strict or transitional 1.0 validation.
A build option is provided to enable Rot13 email address encryption to counter spamming.
Comprehensive ISO-8859-1 special character support is provided for the HTML.
Webpage editing is project oriented providing user isolation from file management complexities without limiting the ability to exercise control over project direction.
Legacy restrictions are avoided as webpage templates are generated automatically and may be cloned for new webpages.
Original webpages are subject to initial validatory tests but explicit DOCTYPE declaration is not required although it is beneficial for styling and PHP / JavaScript complexities to be declared in separate CSS and Includes where practical.
A Resolver is provided to tidy basic HTML issues should initial validatory testing fail.
Sense text editing capabilities include headings, paragraphs and unordered bullets and may contain hyperlinks, anchors and image references that may be checked from within the editor prior to webpage builds - addresses may even be browsed as local paths if the resource is within the same folder hierarchy as the webpage.
Edit transparency for non-editable hyperlink settings to retain functionality such as onclick handling.
Sense To Webpage supports webpage file types with .htm, .html, .php and .shtml extensions and expects normal HTML head and body constructs.